TEDx Was Rocking Awesome and Latin Mix 60x60 Looking for Latin Music!
I was so excited to talk about Libertaria: The Virtual Opera at the recent TEDxBuffalo event this past Tuesday in Buffalo, New York. I had an opportunity to talk about Internet Collaboration and how classical musicians, artists, and filmmakers can collaborate using social media, Skype, and the cloud.
Watch a clip below from TEDxBuffalo
For the Clip of Libertaria: The Virtual Opera, please go here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GyvqbOW1e4&t=1h28m51s
It was a wonderful day of great speakers and exciting ideas from the Tool Library in Buffalo, New York, to new ways of rethinking HealthCare by the Independent Health CEO Dr. Michael Cropp. We were even schooled in artificial intelligence and chess by Dr. Kenneth Regan.
There are more exciting projects coming up!
Looking for Latin Music and Latin Artists
60x60 is a project containing 60 works each 60 seconds in length presented continuously in an hour performance synchronized with an analog clock. 60x60 presents a slice of what is happening in the contemporary music scene by representing 60 works that are diverse in aesthetic and style. Works are selected from an international pool of emerging and established composers and sequenced in order. The resulting mix is presented, without interruption, as a continuous one-hour performance synchronized to an on-stage analog clock.For this year we are looking for Latin Music and Latino Artists for the 60x60 Latin Mix:
MORE INFORMATION HERE: http://www.60x60.com/calls/

Deadline: 11-01-14
Receipt Type: Digital Submission: Must be completed online by deadline
GO TO MUSIC AVATAR: http://www.musicavatar.org/index.php
Registration is FREE. Select Latin 60x60 and follow guidelines.
Vox Novus's 60x60 is calling for one-minute recorded works with durations of 60 seconds or less. Curator/Macro-composer Sabrina Pena Young will select and organize 60 compositions to be played continuously in a one-hour live concert.
About the 60x60 Latin Mix:
The 60x60 Latin mix will show recent works of Composers living in Latin America, Composers of Latin American heritage, and/or works that are clearly inspired by Latin American culture/music.