Finding a Location for Libertaria, the Novel

I had originally intended that the story take place in Miami, with parts in New York. But living in Buffalo, New York, I have decided to alter the novel, making the famed Underground actually an expanded version of the current buffalo subway (currently about 8 miles long, but expanded and abandoned by the time of the Libertaria story in 2139 AD).
Silo City
As I was searching Buffalo sites and construction and its myriad of abandoned buildings, I came across Silo City, which I have heard of and probably driven by but haven't really explored, just yet that is. It is a thing of beauty and the perfect location for the Factory in 2139, albeit with some significant improvements.
Of course, now I need to explore Silo City, take pictures...truly feel what the Factory will be. And I need to go to the subway tunnels and see if it would be truly feasible to have an entire civilization live under the city of Buffalo a little over a century from now. I am enjoying this journey as a writer. I don't think I would trade composition for writing, at least not yet, maybe for my twilight years or when I finally decide that I am done with my musical ideas, but a part of me really just would like to take up writing full time and see where that journey would lead me.
Who knows? Life is full of possibilities, and who am I to limit life?