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Showing posts from July, 2014

Creative Summer: TedX Buffalo, Circuit Bridges, 60x60 Latin Mix, and Destiny: Eondwyr

TedX Buffalo , Circuit Bridges, 60x60 Latin Mix, and Destiny: Eondwyr As the Buffalo summer comes to an end (we are already enjoying 60 degree weather, "winter" by my South Florida standards), there are a number of exciting projects that I am a part of for this fall. I am looking for electronic composers to participate in the new 60x60 Latin Mix as well as local Western New York composers to collaborate for the first Circuit Bridges concert hosted here at Buffalo State.  60x60 Latin Mix The Vox Novus 60x60 Project is an innovative collaboration that involves concerts consisting of sixty short one minute electronic works by sixty composers (thus 60x60). Vox Novus recently celebrated TEN YEARS of 60x60, which has literally involved thousands of composers all over the world. This year I am curating the first 60x60 Latin Mix for Latin American musicians and music inspired by Latin America. Open to any nationality and any musical style, I will be accepting works fo...

Libertaria: The Factory Comes Alive as Silo City, Buffalo, New York

Finding a Location for Libertaria, the Novel As some of you may or may not know, I have been working on the novel version of Libertaria: The Virtual Opera for, well, I suppose several months now. While the animated version was a fun excursion into the insanity that was an opera, the novel Libertaria has become something much more complicated and dark. When writing a book one does not have the advantages of the images parading in front of the audience, the characters' voices the voices of actors, the advantages of creating a world using multiple sense. Instead, the writer has to create the story from scratch, from his or her mind, and make it believable to the audience.  I had originally intended that the story take place in Miami, with parts in New York. But living in Buffalo, New York , I have decided to alter the novel, making the famed Underground actually an expanded version of the current buffalo subway (currently about 8 miles long, but expanded and abandoned by the time ...

Call for Latin American Music: 60x60 Latin Music Mix

English: Common geographical regions of Latin America Español: Regiones geográficas típicas de América Latina (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) 60x60 Latin Mix (SPANISH/PORTUGUESE TRANSLATIONS BELOW) Opportunity Type:  60x60  Entry Fee:  None Open To:  All Composers living in Latin America, Composers of Latin American heritage, and/or works that are clearly inspired by Latin American culture/music. Deadline:  Nov 1, 2014 Receipt Type:  Digital Submission: Must be completed online by deadline  60x60 Latin Mix Opportunity Type: 60x60 Entry Fee: 0.00 Open To: The call is open to all Composers living in Latin America, Composers of Latin American heritage, and/or works that are clearly inspired by Latin American culture/music. Deadline: 11-01-14 Receipt Type: Digital Submission: Must be completed online by deadline Vox Novus 's 60x60 is calling for one-minute recorded works with durations of 60 seconds or less. Curator/Macro- composer Sabrina Pen...

Mac vs PC Woes: A Musician's Lament

Mac Computer Crash Musician Woes I suppose I have been fortunate that I have never had a computer crash on my watch. I don't mean not ever having the little spinning rainbow screw up a project or a PC do, well, whatever it is that PCs do, but I have never had a computer entirely die on me...even that one time that I taxed my old Power Mac to the point that it smelled like smoke. (Yeah, I don't do that anymore). However, a few weeks ago, the hard drive fried...for a number of reasons including a new update, overheating, fuzzballs, and summer heat (no A/C in our apartment).  Fortunately I have a friend in my writer's group who volunteered her husband to fix the computer (after a ridiculous price quote from the local Mac that essentially meant that I might as well buy a new PC for the same amount).  Watch Libertaria: The Virtual Opera on YOUTUBE So now my computer is functioning again and thankfully all of my information was saved, including the 3000 family pics...

60x60 Mezcla latina: Compositores que vivan en América latina

60x60 Mezcla latina Tipo de oportunidad: 60x60 Cuota de admisión: 0.00 Abierto a: El llamado está abierto a compositores que vivan en América latina, compositores de ascendencia latina y/o trabajos inspirados en la cultura/música latina. Plazo de entrega: nov-01-2014 Tipo de recibo: Presentación digital: Debe ser completada en línea. Vox Novus 60x60 está pididendo obras grabadas de un minuto o menos de duración. La curadora/macro-compositora Sabrina Pena Young seleccionará y organizará 60 composiciones que serán ejecutadas continuamente en un concierto de una hora de duración. Sobre la Mezcla Latina 60x60: La Mezcla Latina 60x60 mostrará trabajos recientes de compositores que vivan en América latina, compositores de ascendencia latina y/o trabajos inspirados en la cultura/música latina. 60x60 es un proyecto de "obras de autor" y obras cortas creadas específicamente para el proyecto 60x60. No se recomienda extraer fragmentos de obra...

60x60 Latin Mix: Compositores que vivem na América Latina (Portuguese Translation)

60x60 Latin   Mix Oportunidade 60X60 Preço de inscrição: 0.00 Para quem: a convocatória esta oberta a todos os compositores que vivem na América Latina, possuem origem   latino-americana, ou que sejam inspirados pela cultura e música latino-americana. Envio: envio digital pela Internet (online). Vox Novus's 60x60 consiste em obras até um minuto de duração. A Curadora (diretora, organizadora)/compositora Sabrina Pena Young fará uma seleção de 60 obras a serem tocadas de forma contínua num concerto ao vivo com a duração de uma hora. Sobre o 60x60 Latin Mix: A 60x60 Latin mix mostrará novas obras de compositores que vivem   na America   latina, ou que possuem origem latino-americana, e também obras   da cultura/musica de inspiração latino-americana. 60x60 é um projeto de "signature works" (projetos personalizados), obras curtas, criadas especificamente para o projeto 60X60. Nao é recomendável   extrair fragmentos de...