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Showing posts from December, 2018

Events in Buffalo This Week: Free Buffalo Event - Annual Filmmaker Holiday Party - Buffalo Movie and Video Makers

Free Buffalo Event - Annual Filmmaker Holiday Party - Buffalo Movie and Video Makers MORE INFO: This month we focus on the socializing aspect of the filmmaking club! The first half of the meeting we’ll announce the winners of last month's BM-VM "Shorty" Film Contest. These were the four entries: A TRAILER by Leo Medico, Jr. BLUNT RECOLLECTION by Curt Markham ENLIGHTENMENT by David Gaffney THE MAGIC ROOM by Terry Kimmel We'll find out which were the top three vote-getters from last month's secret ballot. The First Place winner will be awarded a plaque, with the Second and Third Place finishers receiving certificates. Also, we'll re-screen the First Place winning entry. Second half is the HOLIDAY PARTY!  BM-VM members are invited to bring a "finger food”-type dish to pass (nothing that requires heating up, though). Also, they can chip in on pizza. Guests are invited! B...


EVENTS IN BUFFALO THIS WEEK: Buffalo GirlChoir at Buffalo State University CHRISTMAS MUSIC SPECTACULAR! Holiday Choral Spectacular Performing Arts Center Rockwell Hall, SUNY Buffalo State Thursday, December 6, 2018 show time: 7:30 pm TICKETS $10 PER ADULT, FREE STUDENT TICKETS AVAILABLE AT THE DOOR BUY TICKETS NOW Join us in the Performing Arts Center at Rockwell Hall as various Buffalo State choral groups celebrate the winter season in song, under the direction of Dr. Victoria Furby and Mr. John Fleischman.  With special guests Buffalo Girlchoir under the direction of Kathleen Bassett. Performing Arts Center EVENT INFORMATION: *Admission: $10 General; STUDENTS FREE •Doors open at 7:00pm •Performance starts at 7:30pm •The Buffalo State Performing Arts Center is located on FLOOR 2 of Rockwell Hall at Buffalo State College.  •Handicap accessible entrance with elevator to the hall located via the building entrance at parking lot I-30 (re...