How to do Color Correction in Final Cut for Moviestorm Animation Footage - Sabrina Pena Young
So I am making a short animated film for an upcoming film contest in Buffalo. I've been using a program called Moviestorm for a long time now for animation, but the results are missing that cinematic look. So I just bought a new mac last year with Final Cut X and now am doing color grading, color correction, and some basic focusing to make the shots look more vibrant. For this short film, called the Murder Zone, I am borrowing the color palette from 2001: A Space Odyssey. I am not copying the color scheme exactly, but I am borrowing some of the colors and using the palette as a guide.
You can download these palettes online with google. Just look for "color palettes famous films" and literally a hundred palettes will be available through Google images.
Best of luck on your own work!