Animated martial arts scene from Libertaria: The Virtual Opera. It’s the year 2139, and United States, decimated by nuclear war in the last half of the 21st century has splintered off into territorial factions. The sky has grown red, the water runs black, and hope rests on the shoulders of a young teen. Meet Libertaria, of unknown origin and unknown place. Left as an infant in the abandoned Lady Liberty Souvenir Shop in the year 2125, she spent her early years bouncing within the Factory. Aided by a woman known only as Nurse, Libertaria escapes Factory at the age of 14, traveling the bullet train from Nueva York, the capitol of the USSA, to New Miami in search of the one person that ever showed her kindness. A mysterious glowing medallion leads her to the Underground, a society of children led by the seemingly immortal Simeon. Hunted by the Apothetae Army Police, Simeon and his closest allies, Miguel, Lucy, and Gabe, attempt to protect the innocent and helpless from the Co...